ABS помогите
Модераторы: SNOOPER, Nbf, алексей - Маленький Мук, Romik, BAlex, drcham
ABS помогите
Пыжик 92г 6G72 менял пыльники на заднем мосту со снятием
полуосей после этого стала выключаться ABS делал диагностику
сказали ABS ошибок не выдаёт . Есть ли в блоке ABS память ошибок
или при снятии питания ключём зажигания ошибки сбрасываются?
И могли ли установить неправильные зазоры между датчиками
и гребёнкой . Менял пыльники в сервисе теперь сервис мэны разводят
руками и говорят мы не виноваты машина старая. Помогите советом
полуосей после этого стала выключаться ABS делал диагностику
сказали ABS ошибок не выдаёт . Есть ли в блоке ABS память ошибок
или при снятии питания ключём зажигания ошибки сбрасываются?
И могли ли установить неправильные зазоры между датчиками
и гребёнкой . Менял пыльники в сервисе теперь сервис мэны разводят
руками и говорят мы не виноваты машина старая. Помогите советом
- RenegatUS
- Сообщения: 175
- Зарегистрирован: 07 фев 2004, 19:29
- Двигатель:: 6G74
- Мой автомобиль(и):: Montero II
- Откуда: Ст.-Петербург
При старте и достижении скорости в 8 км/ч и > происходит самодиагностика ABS. Соответствено если двигаться с меньшей скоростью то ABS не произведет самодиагностику и лампочка гореть не будет.
В данном случае скорее всего не работает датчик. Либо неисправность в проводах, либо устройство вышло из строя. Причина поломки я уверен понятна.
Проверить можно установив рабочий датчик...
или (из мануала)
1. Снимите датчик и зубчатый ротор.
2. При обнаружении на полюсном наконечнике датчика повреждений или наноса металла вследствие магнитного притяжения, датчик замените.
3. Проверьте сопротивление между выводами датчика. Для датчиков передних колес сопротивление должно быть 900–1100 Ом,
датчиков задних колес – 1300–2100 Ом.
4. Сопротивление датчика на корпус должно быть не менее 100 кОм.
5. Выдержите зазор 0,3–0,9 мм между головкой датчика и венцом ротора. В случае нарушения этого зазора проверьте правильность
установки диска тормоза.
В данном случае скорее всего не работает датчик. Либо неисправность в проводах, либо устройство вышло из строя. Причина поломки я уверен понятна.
Проверить можно установив рабочий датчик...
или (из мануала)
1. Снимите датчик и зубчатый ротор.
2. При обнаружении на полюсном наконечнике датчика повреждений или наноса металла вследствие магнитного притяжения, датчик замените.
3. Проверьте сопротивление между выводами датчика. Для датчиков передних колес сопротивление должно быть 900–1100 Ом,
датчиков задних колес – 1300–2100 Ом.
4. Сопротивление датчика на корпус должно быть не менее 100 кОм.
5. Выдержите зазор 0,3–0,9 мм между головкой датчика и венцом ротора. В случае нарушения этого зазора проверьте правильность
установки диска тормоза.
Последний раз редактировалось RenegatUS 01 авг 2006, 16:41, всего редактировалось 2 раза.
Pajero II '92, 3dr, 6G72, MT, R/D, 31/10.5x15 BFG A/T, Dampfer TD продан
Montero II '99, 5dr, 6G74, AT, LSD, Vladsprings, HellaNew от f0x, 265/70x16 Cooper AT3 лето на OZ R16, 265/70x16 Cooper M+S зима на OZ R16, Беркут R20, лестница, Japan Style
Montero II '99, 5dr, 6G74, AT, LSD, Vladsprings, HellaNew от f0x, 265/70x16 Cooper AT3 лето на OZ R16, 265/70x16 Cooper M+S зима на OZ R16, Беркут R20, лестница, Japan Style
Сервис "Джаз-авто" ребята хорошие но пыжики не знают.
Привез документацию на ABS, совместными усилиями сняли код
ошибки с помощью светодиодного индикатора 4 контакт диагностического разьёма при заведённом двигателе длинные мигания
десятки короткие единицы . Желательно перед этой процедурой
снять клему аккамулятора на 10-20 сек а потом проехать до появления
ошибки чтобы сбросить все накопившиеся ошибки У меня их было
штук 8 а после выше описанной процедуры осталась 1 код 23
ошибка заднего правого датчика. Сняли колесо диск и все сразу
стало ясно при снятии датчика отломали один болт его крепления и
естественно прикрутили датчик одним верхним при этом увеличился
зазор между датчиком и гребёнкой. Мораль басни, где бы в Москве
найти сервис в котором относились бы к машине клиента как к своей,
не учились ремонту на машине клиента, и не гнули пальцы при выставлении счёта.
Привез документацию на ABS, совместными усилиями сняли код
ошибки с помощью светодиодного индикатора 4 контакт диагностического разьёма при заведённом двигателе длинные мигания
десятки короткие единицы . Желательно перед этой процедурой
снять клему аккамулятора на 10-20 сек а потом проехать до появления
ошибки чтобы сбросить все накопившиеся ошибки У меня их было
штук 8 а после выше описанной процедуры осталась 1 код 23
ошибка заднего правого датчика. Сняли колесо диск и все сразу
стало ясно при снятии датчика отломали один болт его крепления и
естественно прикрутили датчик одним верхним при этом увеличился
зазор между датчиком и гребёнкой. Мораль басни, где бы в Москве
найти сервис в котором относились бы к машине клиента как к своей,
не учились ремонту на машине клиента, и не гнули пальцы при выставлении счёта.
Думаю, что поможет. Сними колесо, где ставили сальник. Отверни два болта М12х1.25, которые крепят весь тормозной суппорт, разведи слегка колодки каким-нибудь инструментом через отверстие в суппорте, сними этот узел и постарайся не перегнув слишком тормозной шланг, аккуратно подвязать-подвесить или уложить в районе пружины этот узел. Затем сними тормозной диск (должен легко снятся после недавней разборки), просто потяни на себя не перекашивая при этом. Будут трудности – есть в диске два отверстия под М6 – справишься, я уверен. КПП поставь на нейтраль. Ну, а теперь света побольше и наблюдай как кончик датчика АВС взаимодействует с ротором. Ровно ли стоит? А главное каков зазор? При зазоре более 1 мм будет то, что имеем на сегодня. Зазор должен быть 0,4 – 0,7 мм (пишу по памяти, могу ошибаться, проверь по мануалу). Проверни ось с ротором, посмотри как держится при этом зазор, не цепляет ли ротор. Далее засовываем голову глубоко в колесную нишу и с помощью подкладок под фланец датчика выставляем зазор. Перед пуском двигателя сними клемму аккумулятора на пару минут - обнули систему. Успехов.
Попутно вопрос. Меняли сальник в чулке? Не было ли масла трансмиссионного в полости чулка?
Попутно вопрос. Меняли сальник в чулке? Не было ли масла трансмиссионного в полости чулка?
P-II, 4М40, 5dr, АКПП, 1996
TLC 95, 1KD, 5dr, АКПП, 2000
Любишь кататься - люби саночки...
TLC 95, 1KD, 5dr, АКПП, 2000
Любишь кататься - люби саночки...
У меня была проблема такаяже один в один, но не могли ничем проверит пошел к товарищу взяли осциллограф и определили сразу правый передний давал другую синусоиду а по сопротивлению все 4 датчика давали одно значение.
По синусоиде видно как работет датчик
По синусоиде видно как работет датчик
P-2 94г. 4d56 SS
P-4 3.2 D продан 07.12
Р-4 3.0 04.12
P-4 3.2 D продан 07.12
Р-4 3.0 04.12
- Алексей-74
- Сообщения: 11
- Зарегистрирован: 16 июл 2006, 09:55
- Откуда: М.О.
- Chairman
- Сообщения: 4957
- Зарегистрирован: 26 сен 2004, 21:55
- Двигатель:: 4D56
- Мой автомобиль(и):: Pajero II
- Откуда: Тюмень
- Откуда: Тюмень
- Поблагодарили: 7 раз
- Контактная информация:
А с этого момента поподробней пожалуйста.SNOOPER писал(а):И проверить предохранителиАлексей-74 писал(а):У меня тоже считывали ошибки не чего не показало
надо код считывать когда горит лампочка АВS
Я сегодня пытался считать код - фигушки
Какой предохранитель смотреть ?
Еще раз. Код считывать по мигании лампочки на панели? Или свою подключать?
UH9LAG, P2-93,2,5,АКПП,Яп,7м,+40мм,2акк,2конд,2печ,BFG A/T32", 10фар/12ксенонов, демпфер, 27MHz, SW9500, фаркоп, шнорхель, багажник, палатка на крыше, бензопила, джек+лопата, бак 120л
P2-93,2,5,МКПП - полуфабрикат
P2-93,2,5,МКПП - полуфабрикат
- Модератор
- Сообщения: 55870
- Зарегистрирован: 11 дек 2004, 19:49
- Двигатель:: 4D56
- Мой автомобиль(и):: NewMPS
- Откуда: 78
- Откуда: Spb
- Благодарил (а): 972 раза
- Поблагодарили: 4420 раз
1993 BRAKES Mitsubishi Anti-Lock Brakes
The Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) is designed to prevent wheel lock-up during heavy braking. This allows operator to maintain steering control while stopping vehicle in shortest distance possible. Major components are hydraulic unit, wheel speed sensors, "G" sensor, Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and ANTI-LOCK warning light. ABS has a self-diagnostic system to indicate a system malfunction and for use in system trouble shooting.
NOTE: For more information on brake system, see BRAKE SYSTEM article in BRAKES section.
Each wheel sensor sends an AC electrical signal to the Electronic Control Unit (ECU). The ECU reads this information as wheel speed. When any decelerating wheel speed rate is determined to be excessive in comparison to other monitored wheels, the hydraulic unit cycles hydraulic brake pressure to each wheel to equalize speed of all wheels. ABS turns itself off when vehicle drops to 4 MPH. Minor lock-up may occur at this point.
With engine running and vehicle speed greater than 4 MPH, pump motor will operate for a short period of time and may be heard inside vehicle. During pump motor operation, ABS system is completing a self-check. During ABS system operation, a pulsing brake pedal and vibration in steering wheel and vehicle body may be experienced. These conditions are normal.
NEVER open a bleeder valve or loosen a hydraulic line while ABS is pressurized
NEVER disconnect or reconnect any electrical connectors while ignition is on. Damage to ABS control unit may result.
DO NOT attempt to bleed hydraulic system without first referring to the appropriate article.
Only use specially designed brake hoses/lines on ABS-equipped vehicles.
DO NOT tap on speed sensor components (sensor, sensor rings). Speed rings must be pressed, NOT hammered into hubs. Striking these components can cause demagnetization or a loss of polarization, affecting the accuracy of the speed signal returning to the ABS control unit.
DO NOT mix tire sizes. Increasing the width, as long as tires remain close to the original diameter, is acceptable. Rolling diameter must be identical for all 4 tires. Some manufacturers recommend tires of the same brand, style and type. Failure to follow this precaution may cause inaccurate wheel speed readings.
DO NOT contaminate speed sensor components with grease. Only use recommended anti-corrosion coating.
When speed sensor components have been removed, ALWAYS check sensor-to-ring air gaps when applicable. These specifications can be found in each appropriate article.
ONLY use recommended brake fluids. DO NOT use silicone brake fluids in an ABS-equipped vehicle.
When installing transmitting devices (CB's, telephones, etc.) on ABS-equipped vehicles, DO NOT locate the antenna near the ABS control unit (or any control unit).
Disconnect all on-board computers, when using electric welding equipment.
DO NOT expose the ABS control unit to prolonged periods of high heat (185°F/85°C for 2 hours is generally considered a maximum limit).
When bleeding hydraulic system, follow normal manual or pressure bleeding procedures. Bleed brake system in following order: right rear, left rear, Load-Sensing Proportioning Valve (LSPV), right front and left front.
Turn ignition on. ANTI-LOCK warning light should illuminate for one second, and then go out. Turn ignition switch to START position. Warning light should come on and stay on.
When ignition switch is turned from START to ON position, warning light should illuminate for one second, and then go out. If warning light functions as specified, go to step 3). If warning light does not function as specified, see appropriate trouble shooting test:
Test drive vehicle. If ABS light does not come on at low speed, go to next step. If ABS light comes on at low speed, motor relay, solenoid valve or wheel speed sensor malfunction is indicated. Go to step 6). If insufficient braking force or ABS malfunction exists, go to next step. If none of above symptoms exist, go to step 6).
Check conventional brake system components for proper operation. Check for mechanical lock of hydraulic unit solenoid valve. Check for plugged hydraulic line in hydraulic unit. Repair or replace as necessary. If hydraulic unit is okay, go to next step.
Ensure wheel speed sensor rotor gap is correct. See WHEEL SPEED SENSOR under ADJUSTMENTS. Check for faulty wheel speed sensor. See WHEEL SPEED SENSOR under COMPONENT TESTING. Replace sensor as necessary. See WHEEL SPEED SENSOR under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION. Inspect ECU wiring. If testing indicates no mechanical or electrical failures, substitute ECU with known good unit and retest.
Enter ABS self-diagnostics, and retrieve codes. See RETRIEVING CODES under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING. If no codes are displayed, fault may be intermittent. Attempt to make malfunction reoccur. If no diagnostic output exists, check for faulty wiring harness between ECU and self-diagnostic connector. Repair or replace as necessary.
NOTE: Trouble shoot warning light in following sequence:
Instrument Cluster Circuit
ECU and Valve Relay.
ANTI-LOCK Warning Light Inoperative
If all other warning lights illuminate with ignition on, go to step 3). If other warning lights do not illuminate, check fuse No. 11 in main fuse panel. If fuse is blown, correct cause of blown fuse, and replace fuse. If fuse is okay, go to next step.
Remove instrument cluster. Turn ignition on. Using DVOM, measure voltage between vehicle ground and instrument cluster ABS warning light terminal No. 107. See Fig. 1. If battery voltage is present, repair or replace instrument cluster. If battery voltage is not present, repair wire harness between junction block and instrument cluster.
Turn ignition off. Check for faulty warning light bulb. Replace bulb as necessary. If bulb is okay, using an ohmmeter, check for continuity between instrument cluster connector terminals No. 107 and 158. See Fig. 1. If continuity exists, clean and/or repair connector terminals. If connector terminals are okay, check for open circuit to ECU and valve relay. Go to steps 4) and 5). If continuity does not exist, replace instrument cluster.
To check ECU, turn ignition off. Remove ECU connector. ECU is located on right rear wheelwell. See Fig. 16.Turn ignition on. Measure voltage between terminal No. 13 and vehicle ground. See Fig. 2. If battery voltage is not present, repair circuit between warning light and ECU. If battery voltage is present, substitute ECU with known good unit and retest.
To check valve relay, see HYDRAULIC UNIT RELAYS under COMPONENT TESTING. If relay is okay, remove hydraulic unit connector. Turn ignition on. Measure voltage between terminal No. 8 and vehicle ground. See Fig. 3. If battery voltage is present, go to next step. If battery voltage is not present, repair circuit between ABS warning light and hydraulic unit.
Turn ignition off. Check for continuity between terminal No. 9 and vehicle ground. If continuity does not exist, repair circuit between hydraulic unit and vehicle ground. If continuity exists, check for continuity between terminals No. 8 and 9. If continuity exists, check for defective connector. If continuity does not exist, replace hydraulic unit.
Fig. 1: Identifying Instrument Cluster Connector Terminals
Fig. 2: Identifying ECU Connector Terminals
Fig. 3: Identifying Hydraulic Unit 10-Pin Connector Terminals
Ignition Switch In ON Position, Warning Light Remains On (ECU Power Circuit)
Enter ABS self-diagnostics. See RETRIEVING CODES under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING. If diagnostic output exists, go to step 9). If no diagnostic output exists, connect Multi-Use Tester (MUT) to another electronic control system.
If MUT can communicate with another electronic control system, go to next step. If MUT cannot communicate with another electronic control system, tester is malfunctioning. Inspect diagnostic connector for damaged terminals and correct hook-up. Repair as necessary. If diagnostic connector is okay, replace MUT.
Check fuse No. 7 in main fuse panel. If fuse is okay, go to next step. If fuse is blown, correct cause of blown fuse, and replace fuse.
Turn ignition on. ABS power relay should energize. Listen if power relay makes a click noise. Power relay is located behind radio. If noise is not heard, go to next step. If noise is heard, go to step 6.
Remove ABS power relay. See ABS POWER RELAY under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION. Test ABS power relay. See ABS POWER RELAY under COMPONENT TESTING. Replace relay if faulty.
Disconnect ECU wiring harness connector. Turn ignition on. Measure voltage between terminal No. 6 and vehicle ground. See Fig. 2. If battery voltage is present, go to next step. If battery voltage is not present, repair open circuit between power relay and ECU.
Check for continuity between vehicle ground and terminals No. 9, 10, 11 and 112. If continuity exists, go to next step. If continuity does not exist in any circuit, check for open in vehicle ground circuit. Repair or replace wiring harness as necessary.
Check for continuity between terminal No. 14 of ECU connector and terminal No. 4 of diagnostic connector. Also check for continuity between terminal No. 15 of ECU connector and terminal No. 10 of diagnostic connector. See Fig. 4. If continuity does not exist, check for open between ECU and diagnostic connector. Repair as necessary. If continuity exists, replace ECU and go to next step.
Check for trouble codes. See TROUBLE CODE DEFINITION under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING. If no trouble codes are present, go to next step. If any trouble codes are present, see appropriate CODE under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING.
Disconnect ECU connector. If warning light is no longer illuminated, substitute ECU with known good unit and retest. If warning light is still illuminated, disconnect hydraulic unit connector.
If warning light is still illuminated, repair wiring harness or replace instrument cluster. If warning light is no longer illuminated, test valve relay. See HYDRAULIC UNIT RELAYS under COMPONENT TESTING. Replace valve relay if defective. If valve relay is okay, replace hydraulic unit.
Fig. 4: Identifying Diagnostic Connector Terminals
Ignition Switch In START Position, Warning Light Inoperative
Remove ABS power relay fuse No. 7 from junction block. Disconnect hydraulic unit 10-pin connector. Turn ignition on. Using DVOM, measure voltage between hydraulic unit harness connector terminal No. 8 and vehicle ground. See Fig. 3. If battery voltage is present, go to next step. If battery voltage is not present, repair circuit between ABS warning light and hydraulic unit.
Using ohmmeter, check for continuity between terminal No. 9 and vehicle ground. If continuity exists, go to next step. If continuity does not exist, repair hydraulic unit circuit.
Check continuity between hydraulic unit connector terminals No. 8 and 9. If continuity exists, go to next step. If continuity does not exist, replace valve relay.
Remove valve relay from hydraulic unit. Check for continuity between relay terminals No. 87a and 30. See Fig. 13. If continuity does not exist, replace valve relay. If continuity exists, hydraulic unit wiring harness is faulty. Replace hydraulic unit.
Ignition Switch In ON Position, Warning Light Blinks Twice. In START Position, Warning Light Stays On. When Ignition Switch Is Cycled From START To ON Position, Warning Light Blinks Once
Disconnect hydraulic unit wiring harness connector. Disconnect ECU wiring harness connector. Inspect connector terminals and repair as necessary.
Turn ignition on. Measure voltage between ECU connector terminal No. 13 and vehicle ground. See Fig. 2. If battery voltage is not present, repair open or shorted circuit between ABS warning light and ECU. If battery voltage is present, substitute ECU with known good unit and retest.
Scan Tool
With ignition off, connect Multi-Use Tester (MB991341) and ROM Pack (MB991423) to diagnostic connector, located under driver's side of dash, and to cigarette lighter socket. See Fig. 5.
Fig. 5: Connecting Multi-Use Tester
Turn ignition on. ABS warning light should come on as ABS goes into self-diagnostic mode. Read and record all diagnostic output (trouble) codes from ECU memory. Refer to Multi-Use Tester (MUT) instructions for specific trouble code retrieval procedure.
After all trouble codes have been retrieved and recorded, clear codes from ECU memory. Refer to Multi-Use Tester (MUT) instructions for specific trouble code clearing instructions. See TROUBLE CODE DEFINITION and appropriate CODE under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING for servicing procedure.
If trouble codes cannot be cleared, ECU is currently detecting a malfunction. If codes can be cleared, problem is either intermittent or only appears while driving.
To retrieve stored trouble codes, locate diagnostic connector under left side of dash. Turn ignition off. Connect analog voltmeter between diagnostic terminal No. 4 and vehicle ground terminal No. 12 of diagnostic connector. See Fig. 4. Start engine.
Stored trouble codes will be indicated by sweeps of voltmeter needle. Long sweeps indicate first digit of code; short sweeps indicate second digit of code. If more than one fault is present, lowest number code will be given first. After trouble code has been retrieved, test indicated component and/or related circuit (if necessary). See TROUBLE CODE DEFINITION and appropriate CODE under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING for servicing procedure.
To clear trouble codes after repairs, disconnect negative battery cable for at least 10 seconds. Reconnect battery cable and repeat RETRIEVING CODES to confirm that failure has been corrected.
Code (1)System Affected
11 Right Front Wheel Sensor (Open)
12 Left Front Wheel Sensor (Open)
13 Right Rear Wheel Sensor (Open)
14 Left Rear Wheel Sensor (Open)
15 Sensor Output Signal Fault
16 ECU Power Voltage
21 Right Front Wheel Sensor (Short)
22 Left Front Wheel Sensor (Short)
23 Right Rear Wheel Sensor (Short)
24 Left Rear Wheel Sensor (Short)
25-27 4WD Power Circuit Fault
31 "G" Sensor Power Voltage
32 "G" Sensor Output Voltage
33 Stoplight Switch Circuit
41, 43, or 45 Solenoid Valve Circuit
51 Valve Relay
53 Motor Relay
63 Faulty ECU
64 Faulty ECU
(1) See appropriate CODE under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING.
Диагностический разьём белый 12-пиновый
5 . 4 //////// 3 2 1
12 11 10 9 8 7 6
1993 BRAKES Mitsubishi Anti-Lock Brakes
The Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) is designed to prevent wheel lock-up during heavy braking. This allows operator to maintain steering control while stopping vehicle in shortest distance possible. Major components are hydraulic unit, wheel speed sensors, "G" sensor, Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and ANTI-LOCK warning light. ABS has a self-diagnostic system to indicate a system malfunction and for use in system trouble shooting.
NOTE: For more information on brake system, see BRAKE SYSTEM article in BRAKES section.
Each wheel sensor sends an AC electrical signal to the Electronic Control Unit (ECU). The ECU reads this information as wheel speed. When any decelerating wheel speed rate is determined to be excessive in comparison to other monitored wheels, the hydraulic unit cycles hydraulic brake pressure to each wheel to equalize speed of all wheels. ABS turns itself off when vehicle drops to 4 MPH. Minor lock-up may occur at this point.
With engine running and vehicle speed greater than 4 MPH, pump motor will operate for a short period of time and may be heard inside vehicle. During pump motor operation, ABS system is completing a self-check. During ABS system operation, a pulsing brake pedal and vibration in steering wheel and vehicle body may be experienced. These conditions are normal.
NEVER open a bleeder valve or loosen a hydraulic line while ABS is pressurized
NEVER disconnect or reconnect any electrical connectors while ignition is on. Damage to ABS control unit may result.
DO NOT attempt to bleed hydraulic system without first referring to the appropriate article.
Only use specially designed brake hoses/lines on ABS-equipped vehicles.
DO NOT tap on speed sensor components (sensor, sensor rings). Speed rings must be pressed, NOT hammered into hubs. Striking these components can cause demagnetization or a loss of polarization, affecting the accuracy of the speed signal returning to the ABS control unit.
DO NOT mix tire sizes. Increasing the width, as long as tires remain close to the original diameter, is acceptable. Rolling diameter must be identical for all 4 tires. Some manufacturers recommend tires of the same brand, style and type. Failure to follow this precaution may cause inaccurate wheel speed readings.
DO NOT contaminate speed sensor components with grease. Only use recommended anti-corrosion coating.
When speed sensor components have been removed, ALWAYS check sensor-to-ring air gaps when applicable. These specifications can be found in each appropriate article.
ONLY use recommended brake fluids. DO NOT use silicone brake fluids in an ABS-equipped vehicle.
When installing transmitting devices (CB's, telephones, etc.) on ABS-equipped vehicles, DO NOT locate the antenna near the ABS control unit (or any control unit).
Disconnect all on-board computers, when using electric welding equipment.
DO NOT expose the ABS control unit to prolonged periods of high heat (185°F/85°C for 2 hours is generally considered a maximum limit).
When bleeding hydraulic system, follow normal manual or pressure bleeding procedures. Bleed brake system in following order: right rear, left rear, Load-Sensing Proportioning Valve (LSPV), right front and left front.
Turn ignition on. ANTI-LOCK warning light should illuminate for one second, and then go out. Turn ignition switch to START position. Warning light should come on and stay on.
When ignition switch is turned from START to ON position, warning light should illuminate for one second, and then go out. If warning light functions as specified, go to step 3). If warning light does not function as specified, see appropriate trouble shooting test:
Test drive vehicle. If ABS light does not come on at low speed, go to next step. If ABS light comes on at low speed, motor relay, solenoid valve or wheel speed sensor malfunction is indicated. Go to step 6). If insufficient braking force or ABS malfunction exists, go to next step. If none of above symptoms exist, go to step 6).
Check conventional brake system components for proper operation. Check for mechanical lock of hydraulic unit solenoid valve. Check for plugged hydraulic line in hydraulic unit. Repair or replace as necessary. If hydraulic unit is okay, go to next step.
Ensure wheel speed sensor rotor gap is correct. See WHEEL SPEED SENSOR under ADJUSTMENTS. Check for faulty wheel speed sensor. See WHEEL SPEED SENSOR under COMPONENT TESTING. Replace sensor as necessary. See WHEEL SPEED SENSOR under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION. Inspect ECU wiring. If testing indicates no mechanical or electrical failures, substitute ECU with known good unit and retest.
Enter ABS self-diagnostics, and retrieve codes. See RETRIEVING CODES under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING. If no codes are displayed, fault may be intermittent. Attempt to make malfunction reoccur. If no diagnostic output exists, check for faulty wiring harness between ECU and self-diagnostic connector. Repair or replace as necessary.
NOTE: Trouble shoot warning light in following sequence:
Instrument Cluster Circuit
ECU and Valve Relay.
ANTI-LOCK Warning Light Inoperative
If all other warning lights illuminate with ignition on, go to step 3). If other warning lights do not illuminate, check fuse No. 11 in main fuse panel. If fuse is blown, correct cause of blown fuse, and replace fuse. If fuse is okay, go to next step.
Remove instrument cluster. Turn ignition on. Using DVOM, measure voltage between vehicle ground and instrument cluster ABS warning light terminal No. 107. See Fig. 1. If battery voltage is present, repair or replace instrument cluster. If battery voltage is not present, repair wire harness between junction block and instrument cluster.
Turn ignition off. Check for faulty warning light bulb. Replace bulb as necessary. If bulb is okay, using an ohmmeter, check for continuity between instrument cluster connector terminals No. 107 and 158. See Fig. 1. If continuity exists, clean and/or repair connector terminals. If connector terminals are okay, check for open circuit to ECU and valve relay. Go to steps 4) and 5). If continuity does not exist, replace instrument cluster.
To check ECU, turn ignition off. Remove ECU connector. ECU is located on right rear wheelwell. See Fig. 16.Turn ignition on. Measure voltage between terminal No. 13 and vehicle ground. See Fig. 2. If battery voltage is not present, repair circuit between warning light and ECU. If battery voltage is present, substitute ECU with known good unit and retest.
To check valve relay, see HYDRAULIC UNIT RELAYS under COMPONENT TESTING. If relay is okay, remove hydraulic unit connector. Turn ignition on. Measure voltage between terminal No. 8 and vehicle ground. See Fig. 3. If battery voltage is present, go to next step. If battery voltage is not present, repair circuit between ABS warning light and hydraulic unit.
Turn ignition off. Check for continuity between terminal No. 9 and vehicle ground. If continuity does not exist, repair circuit between hydraulic unit and vehicle ground. If continuity exists, check for continuity between terminals No. 8 and 9. If continuity exists, check for defective connector. If continuity does not exist, replace hydraulic unit.
Fig. 1: Identifying Instrument Cluster Connector Terminals
Fig. 2: Identifying ECU Connector Terminals
Fig. 3: Identifying Hydraulic Unit 10-Pin Connector Terminals
Ignition Switch In ON Position, Warning Light Remains On (ECU Power Circuit)
Enter ABS self-diagnostics. See RETRIEVING CODES under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING. If diagnostic output exists, go to step 9). If no diagnostic output exists, connect Multi-Use Tester (MUT) to another electronic control system.
If MUT can communicate with another electronic control system, go to next step. If MUT cannot communicate with another electronic control system, tester is malfunctioning. Inspect diagnostic connector for damaged terminals and correct hook-up. Repair as necessary. If diagnostic connector is okay, replace MUT.
Check fuse No. 7 in main fuse panel. If fuse is okay, go to next step. If fuse is blown, correct cause of blown fuse, and replace fuse.
Turn ignition on. ABS power relay should energize. Listen if power relay makes a click noise. Power relay is located behind radio. If noise is not heard, go to next step. If noise is heard, go to step 6.
Remove ABS power relay. See ABS POWER RELAY under REMOVAL & INSTALLATION. Test ABS power relay. See ABS POWER RELAY under COMPONENT TESTING. Replace relay if faulty.
Disconnect ECU wiring harness connector. Turn ignition on. Measure voltage between terminal No. 6 and vehicle ground. See Fig. 2. If battery voltage is present, go to next step. If battery voltage is not present, repair open circuit between power relay and ECU.
Check for continuity between vehicle ground and terminals No. 9, 10, 11 and 112. If continuity exists, go to next step. If continuity does not exist in any circuit, check for open in vehicle ground circuit. Repair or replace wiring harness as necessary.
Check for continuity between terminal No. 14 of ECU connector and terminal No. 4 of diagnostic connector. Also check for continuity between terminal No. 15 of ECU connector and terminal No. 10 of diagnostic connector. See Fig. 4. If continuity does not exist, check for open between ECU and diagnostic connector. Repair as necessary. If continuity exists, replace ECU and go to next step.
Check for trouble codes. See TROUBLE CODE DEFINITION under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING. If no trouble codes are present, go to next step. If any trouble codes are present, see appropriate CODE under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING.
Disconnect ECU connector. If warning light is no longer illuminated, substitute ECU with known good unit and retest. If warning light is still illuminated, disconnect hydraulic unit connector.
If warning light is still illuminated, repair wiring harness or replace instrument cluster. If warning light is no longer illuminated, test valve relay. See HYDRAULIC UNIT RELAYS under COMPONENT TESTING. Replace valve relay if defective. If valve relay is okay, replace hydraulic unit.
Fig. 4: Identifying Diagnostic Connector Terminals
Ignition Switch In START Position, Warning Light Inoperative
Remove ABS power relay fuse No. 7 from junction block. Disconnect hydraulic unit 10-pin connector. Turn ignition on. Using DVOM, measure voltage between hydraulic unit harness connector terminal No. 8 and vehicle ground. See Fig. 3. If battery voltage is present, go to next step. If battery voltage is not present, repair circuit between ABS warning light and hydraulic unit.
Using ohmmeter, check for continuity between terminal No. 9 and vehicle ground. If continuity exists, go to next step. If continuity does not exist, repair hydraulic unit circuit.
Check continuity between hydraulic unit connector terminals No. 8 and 9. If continuity exists, go to next step. If continuity does not exist, replace valve relay.
Remove valve relay from hydraulic unit. Check for continuity between relay terminals No. 87a and 30. See Fig. 13. If continuity does not exist, replace valve relay. If continuity exists, hydraulic unit wiring harness is faulty. Replace hydraulic unit.
Ignition Switch In ON Position, Warning Light Blinks Twice. In START Position, Warning Light Stays On. When Ignition Switch Is Cycled From START To ON Position, Warning Light Blinks Once
Disconnect hydraulic unit wiring harness connector. Disconnect ECU wiring harness connector. Inspect connector terminals and repair as necessary.
Turn ignition on. Measure voltage between ECU connector terminal No. 13 and vehicle ground. See Fig. 2. If battery voltage is not present, repair open or shorted circuit between ABS warning light and ECU. If battery voltage is present, substitute ECU with known good unit and retest.
Scan Tool
With ignition off, connect Multi-Use Tester (MB991341) and ROM Pack (MB991423) to diagnostic connector, located under driver's side of dash, and to cigarette lighter socket. See Fig. 5.
Fig. 5: Connecting Multi-Use Tester
Turn ignition on. ABS warning light should come on as ABS goes into self-diagnostic mode. Read and record all diagnostic output (trouble) codes from ECU memory. Refer to Multi-Use Tester (MUT) instructions for specific trouble code retrieval procedure.
After all trouble codes have been retrieved and recorded, clear codes from ECU memory. Refer to Multi-Use Tester (MUT) instructions for specific trouble code clearing instructions. See TROUBLE CODE DEFINITION and appropriate CODE under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING for servicing procedure.
If trouble codes cannot be cleared, ECU is currently detecting a malfunction. If codes can be cleared, problem is either intermittent or only appears while driving.
To retrieve stored trouble codes, locate diagnostic connector under left side of dash. Turn ignition off. Connect analog voltmeter between diagnostic terminal No. 4 and vehicle ground terminal No. 12 of diagnostic connector. See Fig. 4. Start engine.
Stored trouble codes will be indicated by sweeps of voltmeter needle. Long sweeps indicate first digit of code; short sweeps indicate second digit of code. If more than one fault is present, lowest number code will be given first. After trouble code has been retrieved, test indicated component and/or related circuit (if necessary). See TROUBLE CODE DEFINITION and appropriate CODE under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING for servicing procedure.
To clear trouble codes after repairs, disconnect negative battery cable for at least 10 seconds. Reconnect battery cable and repeat RETRIEVING CODES to confirm that failure has been corrected.
Code (1)System Affected
11 Right Front Wheel Sensor (Open)
12 Left Front Wheel Sensor (Open)
13 Right Rear Wheel Sensor (Open)
14 Left Rear Wheel Sensor (Open)
15 Sensor Output Signal Fault
16 ECU Power Voltage
21 Right Front Wheel Sensor (Short)
22 Left Front Wheel Sensor (Short)
23 Right Rear Wheel Sensor (Short)
24 Left Rear Wheel Sensor (Short)
25-27 4WD Power Circuit Fault
31 "G" Sensor Power Voltage
32 "G" Sensor Output Voltage
33 Stoplight Switch Circuit
41, 43, or 45 Solenoid Valve Circuit
51 Valve Relay
53 Motor Relay
63 Faulty ECU
64 Faulty ECU
(1) See appropriate CODE under DIAGNOSIS & TESTING.
Диагностический разьём белый 12-пиновый
5 . 4 //////// 3 2 1
12 11 10 9 8 7 6
Последний раз редактировалось SNOOPER 17 сен 2006, 12:20, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
- Chairman
- Сообщения: 4957
- Зарегистрирован: 26 сен 2004, 21:55
- Двигатель:: 4D56
- Мой автомобиль(и):: Pajero II
- Откуда: Тюмень
- Откуда: Тюмень
- Поблагодарили: 7 раз
- Контактная информация:
В общем я понял следующее:
1. Проверю все предохранители.
2. Сброшу ошибку, отключив питание на 10 сек
3. Поеду до загорания лампы
4. Ключ в положении офф, отключу разъем с кучей проводов под капотом на блоке АБС
5. Ключ в положении офф, замкну контакты на диагностическом разъеме 10 и 12 правильно?
6. Считаю диагностический код по миганию лампы на панели управления.
Делал все так (кроме первого пункта), лампа не мигает
Может разъем не тот ? Хм...
UH9LAG, P2-93,2,5,АКПП,Яп,7м,+40мм,2акк,2конд,2печ,BFG A/T32", 10фар/12ксенонов, демпфер, 27MHz, SW9500, фаркоп, шнорхель, багажник, палатка на крыше, бензопила, джек+лопата, бак 120л
P2-93,2,5,МКПП - полуфабрикат
P2-93,2,5,МКПП - полуфабрикат
- Модератор
- Сообщения: 55870
- Зарегистрирован: 11 дек 2004, 19:49
- Двигатель:: 4D56
- Мой автомобиль(и):: NewMPS
- Откуда: 78
- Откуда: Spb
- Благодарил (а): 972 раза
- Поблагодарили: 4420 раз
Ненадо не чего отключать, а перемыкатьChairman писал(а):
В общем я понял следующее:
1. Проверю все предохранители.
2. Сброшу ошибку, отключив питание на 10 сек
3. Поеду до загорания лампы
4. Ключ в положении офф, отключу разъем с кучей проводов под капотом на блоке АБС
5. Ключ в положении офф, замкну контакты на диагностическом разъеме 10 и 12 правильно?
6. Считаю диагностический код по миганию лампы на панели управления.
Делал все так (кроме первого пункта), лампа не мигает
Может разъем не тот ? Хм...
выдилил в тексте
Последний раз редактировалось SNOOPER 19 сен 2006, 23:21, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
- Chairman
- Сообщения: 4957
- Зарегистрирован: 26 сен 2004, 21:55
- Двигатель:: 4D56
- Мой автомобиль(и):: Pajero II
- Откуда: Тюмень
- Откуда: Тюмень
- Поблагодарили: 7 раз
- Контактная информация:
Откуда информация о 4 на 12 ?
По книжке вроде 10 и 12
Завтра возьму книгу в гараже - посмотрю. А может там опечатка?
По книжке вроде 10 и 12
Завтра возьму книгу в гараже - посмотрю. А может там опечатка?
UH9LAG, P2-93,2,5,АКПП,Яп,7м,+40мм,2акк,2конд,2печ,BFG A/T32", 10фар/12ксенонов, демпфер, 27MHz, SW9500, фаркоп, шнорхель, багажник, палатка на крыше, бензопила, джек+лопата, бак 120л
P2-93,2,5,МКПП - полуфабрикат
P2-93,2,5,МКПП - полуфабрикат